victoria zhang

The new AACC Mass Spectrometry and Separation Sciences Division (MSSS) fulfills a previously unmet need in AACC by providing a formal space for clinical professionals, industry scientists, and regulatory leaders to exchange ideas and best practices in the fields of mass spectrometry and advanced separation sciences. I am honored to be the first chair of this division, and am grateful to the many AACC members who helped us get to this stage.

The MSSS Division is committed to bringing value to its members and seeks to contribute to our medical community in several targeted ways. First, the division will serve as a leading resource for mass spectrometry, chromatography, and other advanced separations sciences for AACC members. We will also work to promote the translation of novel diagnostic methods and mass spectrometry assays into clinical and other accredited laboratories. Another critical aim is to foster collaboration among AACC divisions and other entities through joint programs and outreach. 

The division also plans to develop educational programs and publications that enhance understanding and highlight applications of mass spectrometry and separation sciences. Finally, the MSSS Division will enable AACC members to engage national and international laboratory organizations, diagnostics and technology manufacturers, and regulatory agencies that share our common interests.

The division has been hard at work planning a variety of activities for 2015 that include educational programs for the AACC Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo, local section meetings, a stand-alone conference, and collaborations with other professional organizations. In addition to our division meeting during the annual meeting, we also plan to offer two poster awards and participate in the poster walk event.

Creation of this new division is timely considering FDA’s proposed oversight of laboratory-developed tests. We plan workshops and discussion groups to follow up on these developments. We will keep members informed of our progress through emails, the division website, AACC Artery—a new online community for AACC members—and our newsletter.

I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the leaders of the division for their hard work and commitment to getting the MSSS Division off the ground. Steven Cotton, PhD, Yusheng Zhu, PhD, and Brent Dixon, PhD, exhibited remarkable dedication under an ambitious timeline, and AACC Past President Steven Wong, PhD, and AACC Division Management Chair Saeed Jortani, PhD, provided invaluable guidance and support.

I hope many AACC members will join us to grow our division. I look forward to working with friends and colleagues from academia, industry, and regulatory agencies to enhance the awareness, visibility, and applications of mass spectrometry and advanced separation sciences in clinical diagnostics. With your help, we will build the MSSS Division into a leading resource for laboratory medicine to improve patient care.

CLN's Focus on Mass Spectrometry is sponsored by Waters Corporation.

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